The Best Gadgets at CES 2012

Posted by Unknown On Saturday, January 14, 2012 1 comments
The major technology-related trade show held in Las Vegas is over but the gadgets which made their first appearance to the pubic is still yet to get into the stores in all countries. Today i share some of the best gadgets that came out in Consumers Electronic Show ( CES ). I hope you all will like this gadgets.

  • Sportis:  If you want to check your stats while working out or going on a bike without losing focus on what you’re doing? Then this is the correct gadget, Sportiiiis a pair of glasses for a heads-up display that’s positioned in your secondary vision. You can create personalized profiles to maximize your workouts –tapping the unit switches between sensors for audio feedback and ANT+ compatible visual cues.Price of this gadget is $199

  • Samsung Exhilarate:   This year's CES brought a slew of new 4G LTE phones, but the Samsung Exhilarate's appeal doesn't come from its specs as much as its price: $50.  Coming to AT&T's 4G network in the coming months, the Exhilarate will have a 4" Super AMOLED display, front- and rear facing cameras, and access to AT&T U-Verse Live TV. And it's environmentally friendly; the Exhilarate's made from 80% recycled post-consumer materials and features special modes for energy efficient operation.

  • Razer Naga Hex Gaming Mouse: Usually when you are playing games, when u have to use multiple keys on keyboard along with mouse. This will be very difficult and makes one more irritated while playing. This Razer Naga Hex gaming mouse makes you to play a game without getting irritated by keys on keyboard and mouse.This comes with  6 mechanical thumb buttons optimized for role playing or multiplayer online battling, plus 11 programmable ones. Interchangeable thumb rests and an curved shape keeps your hand poised for action.Price of this gadget is $79.

  • Polaroid SC 1630 Smart Camera: Many smartphones are emerging into the market now-a-days but only few of them have a smart camera. But this smartphone has 16-megapixel view, a 3X optical zoom and a 3.2” LCD screen.Hey not only that this comes with android OS and  USB cord with Wi-Fi and Bluetooth wireless.You can take amazing photos from this smart camera and edit photos using amazing apps from android and upload to social networking sites. This smart camera really rocked at CES. Hope you guys like this very much.

  • SpareOne's 15yrs battery phone:  The SmartOne which made waves in the firrst day of the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas.If you look at the front of the phone, you’ll notice the buttons are easy-to-read and laid out like a regularphone. You can however preset numbers to make calls. It has no screen, a basic number pad, and relies on a single AA battery for power. It's not for daily use, of course; the $50 SpareOne, which can always dial 911 but needs a SIM card to make regular calls.

  • Samsung Smart Evolution:
    *Smart TV, with a promise that models bought now will in future be upgradeable through a simple               add-on part.
    *3D content for TVs.
    *The 5in Note "phablet" (a phone/tablet), introduced in the UK in October 2011 but new to the US.
    *Wi-Fi enabled cameras.
    *A (very impressive) 55in Super OLED TV.
    *A new ultrabook.
    *An app winner who devised an app intended to run across Samsung Smart TVs, tablets and phones, who won $100,000.

  • Ear Force Wireless Dolby Surround Sound Gaming Headset:  Wireless audio domination is yours since the CD-quality signal uses dual band Wi-Fi for transmitting audio to/from your gaming console. The headset provides positionable, simulated 5.1 multichannel audio as well as Bluetooth pairing for answering mobile calls while gaming. Add equalization, volume limiter control and up to 15 hours of rechargeable power and this can send the audio to your home theater at the same time.And the price of this device is $219.  

  • Nokia Lumia 900: Many amazing smartphones has been released by Nokia in recent. But the Lumia family devices has got much more consumers responses than any other smartphones launched by Nokia. This amazing smartphone has become really smart with Windows OS. Many amazing features has made consumers to turn to this gadget.And this is specially built for U.S consumers.It comes with  LTE-capable 4.3-inch screen. It shares same design as the 3G Lumia 800, but has a bigger 1840 mAH battery to give better performance on the power-hungry 4G network. Another amazing about this is camera.It's front and back cameras, the back camera has a wide-angle 28mm f/2.2 lens; the front-facing lens is f/2.8.


Hari prasanna said...

Really Gud Gadgets!!!
The images r good...
Very useful post Srihari!!!

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