Generate electricity by just walking..!

Posted by Unknown On Tuesday, March 8, 2011 4 comments

Hai frndz here is one of the intresting thing to tell u..
U all know that in some countries there is a lack of electricity due to lack of power generating stations..
And we all know that there are many ways to generate electricity but here is one of the amazing techonology which allows u to generate electricity just by walking..!
Kohei Hayamizu, a Japanese engineer has worked on this idea..
That is piezoelectricity "a property certain materials

which generate electric current when they are squeezed or pressed".
This man has converted an square meter of ground in Japan into an electricity generator.And each time a person walks over this area electricity is generated.
In twenty days, with 9 lakh people passing over this area has generated an enough energy to power 1,422 televisions for an hour..!
And this man (Hayamizutells that similar systems could be installed on a wide range of scales, from small systems embedded on mobile phones, to huge systems installed on highways that would harness the electricity generated by the movement of cars and big trucks.
This is one of the future techonology which makes to generate electricity in a very easy way.
By this each and every city will get sufficient energy by just walking..!

Here is two videos which would explain u better about this concept..

1) Here is this video of  Hayamizu a Japanese engineer  testing this gadget.
   Language: Japanese

2) Here is a another video of Generating energy from footsteps at a busy school
    Language: English

What do u think about this..?
Please share ur valuable comments..!


Srikanth Rao said...

This one is coll bro..!
Hope India wil work on this soon...!

Ro6o$ap!3n said...

ya i also think so..!
thanx for ur valuable comment..!

Srikanth Rao said...

This one is coll bro..!
Hope India wil work on this soon...!

Ro6o$ap!3n said...

ya i also think so..!
thanx for ur valuable comment..!

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