
Posted by Unknown On Thursday, March 10, 2011 2 comments

We all know that scientists are inventing new devices every now and then..
And we all know that technology on Earth is improving very rapidly..
And in all inventions computer is said to be one of the amazing inventions..
When we compare computersof olden days and the computers we are using now we found lot of difference in them.First we were using Desktops and now laptops but this doesn't stop here

.Here is another one which we will be using in future..
That is Rolltops, yes as we all know that Desktops means which will be on a desk or a stand and Laptop means which easily sits on ones lap.In the same way Rolltops means which can be rolled easily..
It is similar to Laptop but Rolltops will have much lesser size when compare to Laptops..
And u can think that this will not have more features than Laptops.No, this will also have all the required features that a computer should have.

This Rolltop is going to have:
* Screen touch
* Loudspeaker
* Flexible OLED display
* Powerdata cable
* Webcam etc..

This Rolltops makes us more easy for carrying it from one place another place.
So this techonology is going to rock..!

U can see Rolltop in the below video:

 Please share ur comments about this post.


Hariprasanna said...

It's interesting post..

Ro6o$ap!3n said...

thanx dude...!

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