Sixth sense techonology.

Posted by Unknown On Wednesday, March 9, 2011 0 comments

Frndz here is an intresting topic to tell u..
U all been knowing about some of the future technologies but here is one of the super future technology which helps the physical world to intract with the digital world..!
This was done by Pranav Mistry, a PhD student in the Fluid Interfaces Group

at the MIT Media Lab.
He has developed this sixth sense technology..!
Sixth sense is a wearable gestural interface device developed by Pranav Mistry. 
This guy by inventing this device has crossed the boundaries of imagination..!
He has used a camera to understand simply human gestures.. Now digital world can be managed by simple human gestures ..!
People around the world can build their own wearable 'SixthSense'  which uses a camera that understands human gestures  at a cost of less than Rs 15,000 ($300) by obtaining the software he developed for free in the next few months.

U can understand this better by watching this video:

This is the video of Pranav Mistry explaining about the sixth sence techonology:


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